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Choose and Buy the Best Pedometer to Count your Steps!

Updated on April 19, 2014
Pedometers are very useful for counting your steps
Pedometers are very useful for counting your steps | Source

Walk, Walk, Walk All The Time!

Most of us take only around 5,000 steps a day. Of course, for staying fit, we need to walk at least 10,000 steps and if we want to lose weight, we should be walking around 15,000 steps. But who has got the time to count these steps? This is where a good pedometer can help. If you choose wisely and get the best pedometer that money can buy, you are likely to be more motivated to take those 10,000 steps required every day.

What is a pedometer?

The time that people spend walking these days has drastically gone down. We spend lots of times sitting in the car while traveling to work and then we spend around an average of eight hours just sitting at our office desk. When we do come back home, again in a car, we spend our time sitting in front of the TV set.

So, of course, it is no surprise that we never ever achieve the required 10,000 steps a day. This also means that we make ourselves vulnerable to chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and respiratory difficulties.

Most people complain that they just don't know how to count their steps. However, it is quite simple to do this. Just buy a good step counter. A step counter or pedometer is a device that you place in your pocket or around your hips. Once switched on, it will sense your movement and record the number of steps you take.

A pedometer is perfect for those who want to track the number of steps that they are taking everyday. If you want to walk and stay fit, the device will tell you how many steps you have taken. So, you can easily plan your day to achieve those 10,000 steps a day.

For people who want to lose weight and want to use walking as a means to do it, the device is quite useful. You can plan your day to achieve the 15,000 steps a day and let the pedometer take care of counting your steps.

This fitness product is also perfect for those who are into running, climbing, jogging, and aerobics activity.

How to Choose the Best Pedometer

Pedometer devices have different features and you can choose one based on your own requirements. However, here are certain aspects that you should consider before buying your step counter.

Is it easy to use?

Some pedometers have to be programmed before they can be clipped onto your waist. On the other hand, there are other devices where you just need to reset the steps to zero and then start walking. Buy a pedometer that you know you can setup and use easily.

Does it have any additional features besides step counting?

If your device can tell you the distance walked and the calories burned, it is definitely going to help you a great deal. In fact, some of the more sophisticated pedometers allow you to upload the data on a daily basis onto your computer. This allows you to track your progress either by visiting the website of the manufacturer or with the help of software that comes with the packaging.

How accurate is it?

While most people think that a pedometer will give the exact number of steps taken, it is not always true. A discrepancy of around 5% is quite common, especially when you are running or walking at a brisk speed. However, if the counting mechanism is giving you a difference of more than 10%, then the device is probably not that good.

Is the pedometer comfortable to wear?

Remember that you will be wearing the device close to your hips. So, it needs to be comfortable so that you can carry on all your activities with ease. Of course, if it is in your pocket or in your purse, it is much more comfortable.

How much does a pedometer cost?

You can just not forget your budget here. Pedometers can be bought at a price of as low as $10 to as high as $200. As mentioned above, it all depends on the features. The more features the activity monitor offers, the more expensive it will get.

Just one word of caution though. Do not go for a pedometer just because it is inexpensive. Its counting mechanism may not be very accurate and it may just not be a very sturdy and comfortable device. Ideally, look for a device that costs something from $20 to $100 and is sold by a reputed manufacturer.

What is the best pedometer and where to buy one?

You can by a pedometer at your nearest fitness store. If you'd rather buy it online, you can easily do that too. Here are some of the most popular and best selling pedometers that you can easily buy online.

Fitbit Ultra Wireless Activity plus Sleep Tracker

This activity monitor not only tracks your daily activity but also your nighttime sleep pattern. It will track your daily steps, the distance covered, the calories burned, the level of your activity, etc. You can also be a part of their community at their website and upload your food, weight and workout data to track your progress and make some friends.

You can buy this activity monitor by visiting this link. Make sure to read some customer reviews before actually buying this product.

Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer

Omron is the leading manufacturers as far as pedometers go. It has a range of pedometers with different features and you can choose any of these based on your budget and requirement.

This particular model automatically resets to zero at midnight and stores up to 7 days of information. It has six tracking modes and can track regular as well as brisk steps separately.

Buy this pedometer by visiting this link. While you are at it, make sure to checkout a few other Omron pedometer models before making your choice.

Ozeri 4x3razor Digital Pocket 3D Pedometer

This pedometer from Ozeri uses what is called the 3D Tri-Axis Bosch Sensor technology. Without getting into any technical details, this technology gives you good accuracy in step counting in any position. If you are into athletics, this pedometer is perfect for you. It will give you details about your steps, distance, calories burned, and the time that you spend on your exercise.

You can get this great pedometer by visiting this link. Make sure to checkout its features in details before buying it.

Buy a Safety Leash Too!

While pedometers are available with their own belt clips, it is advisable to buy a safety leash with your pedometer. This is especially useful if you are into running, jogging, or climbing. A safety leash can be attached to your pedometer clip and ensures that the activity monitor does not hit the ground.

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Get Walking with your Pedometer!

Now that you have chosen the best pedometer suitable for your walking and running needs, use it to set realistic fitness goals. This very handy device makes it easy to track your progress and also keeps you motivated enough to continue raising the bar high slowly but steadily. So, cheers to better health and fitness!


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